You cannot tell me this sort of thing ISN’T going on in Peoria

citybeatCharlotte, N.C., Mayor Patrick Cannon has resigned after being charged with accepting $48,000 in bribes in an FBI sting.

Look at the crazy money that construction interests spend on elections of Peoria City Council members. Do you believe that NO ONE hasn’t accepted a little something-something under the table? This is ILLINOIS. I am not saying that any member in particular has taken bribes, but I would be surprised if it’s never happened during the 12 years I’ve covered the council.

The corruption didn’t end with the city manager form of government that was created here in Peoria. The corruption just moved into the board room.

I don’t need a press pass to be protected by the 1st Amendment

I have Freedom of the Press rights. I have these rights because I am an American. I have these rights because the 1st Amendment is part of the first 10 amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America, commonly known as the “Bill of Rights.” This Bill of Rights was approved to fulfill a promise made by the drafters of the Constitution to protect the rights of individual citizens in light of these powerful Constitution that strengthened the powers of the then-new government of the United States of America.

My Freedom of the Press did not begin when I bought a press. They did not begin when I started working for an individual or a corporation that owned a press. Likewise, they did not begin when I bought a broadcast tower, nor did they begin when I started working for an individual or corporation who owned a broadcast tower.

My Freedom of the Press did not begin when I created my blog. That was when I started exercising my First Amendment rights. Until then, the only First Amendment rights I enjoyed were those rights enjoyed by my bosses.

I came out of the womb protected by Freedom of the Press.

The question is not “Are you a journalist, and thus covered by the 1st Amendment?” That is a question designed to favor those who would take rights away from us. Sometimes, the people who insist that only official “journalists” have First Amendment rights are the bosses in the mainstream media, the Washington Post, the New York Times and the Associated Press. They know it’s a powerful weapon and they want to keep it all for themselves.

The true question is “Are you a citizen of the United States of America?”

You are? Me too! Congratulations, you are covered by the First Amendment.

It’s not whether citizen journalists are REALLY journalists. The question is whether corporate journalists qualify as citizen journalists, the only real journalists there are.

Hide from the nasty gangs, like good little sheep (because Wi-Fi causes gangs)

Get this.

I usually do my blogging from any of the many, many fine Peoria establishments that offer free Wi-Fi service. I appreciate the service, and I usually order lunch or at least a soda in exchange for the Internet connection. I do this, because as an un-employed person I cannot afford to have Internet service at my home. I am quiet, don’t bother anyone and I’ve never been asked to leave.

Last week, I was sitting at McDonalds on Knoxville when a fight broke out among competing groups of young Peorians. It was a massive affair where with several groups of people exchanging blows, and at one point a standoff spread into the middle of North Knoxville. Luckily, no one was hit by a car.

The situation is related to two attacks in the area last week, which DIDN’T happen at McDonalds, but nearby.

It was over rather quickly, with the youngsters quickly getting into waiting cars and driving off. The police showed up and quickly left.

Well, the police showed up at McDonalds yesterday and had a talk with management. Today, I got the word. They are asking businesses in the area that offer free Wi-Fi service to shut in down between 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. This will keep kids from congregating, and using Wi-Fi to call up reinforcements for their battles, which is what they think happened last week.

So, we have businesses that used to offer a service to customers now NOT offering that same service to customers because, you know, it would be impolite to arrest supposed gang members.

What is next? A telephone tree telling law-abiding Peorians when it is safe to leave their homes because all the gangbangers are home asleep?

How about, you know, making an arrest once in a while?

But no. Instead, they ask businesses to turn off their Wi-Fi, because Wi-Fi is what causes gangs.


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