Acceptance plays a huge role in the making of a person

Dear Brinley Mae,

Your arrival into this world on September 13th has caused significant increases in Facebook postings, the use of cameras and recording devices, emails, texts, phone calls, prayers, and love spread all around.  While you are currently capable of only very basic feats, you have taught us lessons about living. Some of us have been privy to such wisdom previously, but we weren’t wise enough to act accordingly. This time we’re listening and learning, and this Grandma thanks you abundantly for being the catalyst for awareness and appreciation in her life.

I saw you the instant you were born, Brinley, and it was truly a moment of grace. Birth is a miracle and witnessing it is an experience of sacredness and joy. You arrived with a full head of hair, and a gentle cry, and a tenuous hold on our dreams and plans for you.

We left the hospital that night, you were born at 8:48 p.m., bursting with exhilaration about the incredible, talented, unique person you would become. Our beliefs remain intact, but we’ve had to modify some details. Others we must leave to faith and hope and the ability of medical intervention and the sheer power of collective determination from your family to help you. The love that surrounds you has the amazing ability to change, maybe not the world, but others and ourselves. Even when change isn’t possible, improvement always is.

Acceptance plays a huge role in the making of a person. We’ll pray to learn how to accept what we can’t change, work to change what we can, and ask for wisdom to grasp the differences.

You are a beautiful, sweet reminder that good health can never be taken for granted; blessings should never go unacknowledged; time and material goods must never be squandered and sharing them with others is the higher good. Future plans are fine, but living in the moment even finer. And understanding life has no guarantees regardless of how diligent or sensible we are.

If I could, dearest Brinley, I’d wave a magic wand and make all your struggles disappear. I can’t but I promise you, I’ll be your most adoring fan and I’ll cheer you on through every victory regardless of how basic it might seem to others. Your beautiful presence in my life will remind me always to smile, encourage, help, and give generously to those who are hurting.

Your older sister and brother are in love with you, and they will teach you how to navigate the world. And you will help to teach them about compassion and patience. We will all be better people, Brinley, because of you.

Grow strong, my dear, because we have tea parties to host and holidays to celebrate and afternoons to snuggle and giggle away. We’ll play dolls and smell the first flowers of spring and eat fancy desserts. You are blessed with amazing parents to help you achieve beyond medical book expectations. And you have family who will tell you funny stories about your parents and each other and make you laugh and give you reasons beyond measure to enjoy life.

Love, prayers and blessings, my angel girl. Always know I will love you forever, and am so happy and proud to be your Grammie.

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