Chuck Weaver to stay on Peoria City Council

At-large Peoria city council member Chuck Weaver recently announced that he will not run for Mayor in 2013. “I considered running when Mayor Ardis had not clarified his intentions,” Weaver said. “… an incredible number of city residents sought me out to give me their opinions on the challenges facing our city. I gained invaluable insight as a result and while I am humbled by the outpouring of support and encouragement to run, I have concluded it is best for our community that I continue serving as a council member at this time. “

“I consistently had people stress the importance of a long term financially conservative view of our budget. They do not want to burden our children with debt that affects their quality of life. As a council, we need to focus on streets, sidewalks, safety and pension costs.” Weaver added, “I do not want to take my eye off of a number of projects I have become engaged in over the last year. A hotly contested campaign would distract from my attention to several important projects.”


The Land Management Working Group Weaver participates in is well-positioned to supplement the efforts of the LISC project, (Local Initiatives Support Corporation), recently funded by Cat to improve & encourage residential & commercial redevelopment in Peoria’s East Bluff & South end.

The Business Advocates Working Group, including Councilmen Turner, Irving and Weaver, is engaging the staff to make it easier for businesses to do work with our city.

The four-county targeted economic development project “Focus Forward CI” is in its infancy and needs the undivided attention of the leaders in Central Illinois.

Weaver is also engaged in the “Full Service Community School” collaboration taking place between Bradley and one of our most important assets, our schools. That program is working with District 150 to change the lives of children in the Manual area.”

Weaver believes the city and constituents are facing some very serious challenges and that the Mayor’s focus on “Don’t Shoot” is well placed and deserves his undivided attention. Weaver and the full council are offering their support to see that program achieve sustainable success.

Weaver was elected as an at-large council member in 2011. Although it was his first run for political office, he received the largest number of votes.

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