Ignoring the naysayers is the All America City way

I have a question.

If the designation “All America City” — they give it out annually to ten different cities — is so doggone prestigious, how is it that the only time I hear of the award is when Peoria is up for one? I think I’ve driven past one or two cities with an “All America City” road sign greeting visitors. These cities looked just as ramshackle and run-down as the next city.

Peoria too.

The award, which was announced last week (as of this writing) is supposed to to honor how Peoria gets different groups together working for a common goal to improve the city.

Which is why exactly how this city FINALLY got together to build all those sidewalks on the South Side so kids don’t have to walk in the street without being accused of blocking the road by nervous white drivers.

Oh, wait. I’m sorry. That’s exactly the opposite of what happened. We expended next to nothing to build sidewalks in the city. I do know we are widening the sidewalks on North University north of War Memorial Drive. Kudos.

I’m sure the award honors how official Peoria listened to the public and decided against building the “history of Peoria” museum on the flood plain in downtown Peoria. And how they decided against using taxpayers dollars from Peoria County to do it.

Oh, wait. I’m sorry. They did exactly the opposite. You would be amazed at how the powers-that-be went out of they way to not include arguments against the museum sitting in any public discussion. Well, I guess that’s one way to build consensus: Ignore those opposed to what you want to do.

They did the same thing in the Kellar Branch debate.

Well, I’m positive they will take citizens concerns to heart in the Wal-Mart/Peoria Stadium debate. Wal-Mart wants to get the city to buy the site from School District 150, which would sell it (more like give it away) to Wal-Mart. The city would then set up a business district giving Wal-Mart tax breaks. Part of the land would be given to the Peoria Park District to fulfill some contractual obligations. Citizens are all up in arms over the dirt and trash in a residential neighborhood, and the loss of green space.

Ha! Who am I kidding? The powers-that-be will not listen to complains like that.

So, they will silence the opposition and pretend their consensus. It’s the Peoria way. It’s the All-America City way.

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