Gordon-Booth Launches Fifth Annual Cell Phones for Soldiers Drive

Continuing her efforts to honor and assist those serving in our nation’s armed forces, state Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth is collecting cell phones for her annual Cell Phones for Soldiers drive.

“For the men and women who are serving our country overseas, staying connected to their family can be difficult,” said Gordon-Booth. “Each cell phone donated to Cell Phones for Soldiers provides members of the military with 2.5 hours of talk time with their loved ones back home. I am proud to be partnering with this wonderful organization again this year to help our troops connect with their loved ones.”

Cell Phones for Soldiers is a non-profit organization that has raised millions of dollars in donations. The organization delivers approximately 12,000 free calling cards to our soldiers on a weekly basis. Collected equipment will be sold to Mindful eCycling and the proceeds are used to purchase calling cards that are given to U.S. military personnel serving around the world. Cell phones and chargers can be donated and recycled at the following locations:

· Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth’s District Office, 300 E War Memorial Drive, Suite 303, Peoria

· Peoria Heights Public Library, 816 E. Glen Ave., Peoria Heights

· Limestone Township Building, 1501 W. Garfield Ave., Bartonville

“By donating unused cell phone at any of the collection sites, you will be providing comfort to soldiers serving overseas and their families,” Gordon-Booth said. “I encourage everyone to take a few minutes to drop off an old phone and support military families.”

For more information about this or other upcoming legislation, please contact Rep. Gordon-Booth’s constituent service office at (309) 681-1992 or repjgordon@gmail.com.

Eat Local, Buy Illinois Products Day 1st Saturday Each Month

A new law sponsored by State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria) will encourage Illinois residents to buy local by making the first Saturday of each month “Eat Local, Buy Illinois Products Day.”

Illinois Products Days will fit into the Illinois Department of Agriculture’s larger challenge to get more people to buy Illinois products. According to the department, if each household in Illinois spent $10 on Illinois products each week, the people of Illinois would be reinvesting more than $2.4 billion in the state economy each year.

“When you buy Illinois products, you put money right back into your friends and neighbors’ pockets,” Koehler said. “People talk a lot about outsourcing – think of this as insourcing.”

Several years ago, the General Assembly passed a law creating an Illinois products logo – a special design used to indicate products grown or produced right here in Illinois. Now that it’s easy to identify Illinois products, Koehler wants to encourage people to do more.

“Even if it’s just once a month, try to go to a restaurant that cooks food raised by local farmers,” Koehler said. “Go to a farmers market. Go to a grocery store that labels the food it gets from local producers. There are so many ways to give back to local businesses. Let’s create jobs here in Illinois.”

Gov. Pat Quinn signed the bill into law Aug. 13th.

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