Right-to-work wrong

It is incorrect to state economies in right-to-work states grow at a faster rate than union states. That was the assertion made without any research citation in an editorial that ran in a local paper recently. That false assertion conflates many unrelated issues.

Just look at Wisconsin. The virulently anti-union governor, Scott Walker, just gave $3 billion in taxpayer subsidies to a foreign corporation despite knowing the state will not reap economic
payback for decades. This is the largest incentive package for a foreign company in U.S. history.

Plus, the company was promised exemptions from environmental rules! Credible economists, including Nobel-prize-winner Paul Krugman, warn that income inequality is the greatest threat to
American democracy. Unions are the best available tool to maintain a living wage and benefits for workers. Gov. Rauner is at war with unions. He hates us and contends we are destroying the
state’s economy. Really? Does he really believe Illinois’ economy is in bad shape because a guy who lays tar in Indiana earns $35,000 a year and a guy laying tar in Illinois earns $43,000 a year?

All union people who voted for Rauner last time should study the issues and look carefully at the pro-union candidates running against him, or they may find themselves working for minimum
wage in a right-to-work state. Take time to study Robert Bruno, University of Illinois, and his research on the economic effects of adopting right to work.

Sharon Williams, Peoria

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