Returning Saturday May 15 is the West Peoria Residents Association annual communitywide yard sale. West Peoria residents interested in having their address shared in the Community Yard Sale need to contact coordinator Maggie at maggiemo@mtco.com or 673-0535. Information will be placed in West Peoria and listed in the Journal Star. Sale hours will be 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Be sure to get your information to Maggie in time for your information to appear.
Neighborhood Watch is planning on resuming meetings starting May 12.
West Peoria Township hosted its last annual town meeting on April 13 as mandated by the state. In the November 2020 election, West Peoria voters chose to delete the township with all its assets transferred to the City of West Peoria.
Township fiscal years end April 30 so this was the final meeting for legalities to be completed. This deadline allows the township to dissolve and the city to assume township responsibilities; the fact that the entities were contiguous kept the assets within the West Peoria community. Accolades are due to all who worked to achieve this goal.
The State of the City Address is scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday, May 20 in City Hall. Mayor Dillon and the city administrator will present a review of 2020 and information about 2021.
CityLink is hosting the UnityPoint Wellmobile monthly at its transit center, 407 SW Adams, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on the following dates: May 14, June 11, July 9, Aug. 13, Sept. 10, Oct. 8, Nov. 12. and Dec. 10. More details/instructions can be found at wellmobile.com and on posters in our community for this free event including testing for blood pressure, cholesterol/blood glucose, pulse oximetry and spirometry screening. A fast is required prior to this testing; check with the wellmobile prior to visiting for the test.
Clean-up day is being rescheduled for the fall this year. More news will be listed in later publications and announcements.
Friends of Horseshoe Bottoms is hosting a fundraiser plant sale 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday May 8 at Haddad’s Market. This is the organization’s fourth annual native plant sale with more than 1,200 native plants. Visit the sale and use the opportunity to bring some native plants to our community.
There are plans and hopes that a Fourth of July event can be held this year. Last year’s 50th anniversary event was cancelled due to the pandemic. In order to see the latest plans, refer to the City of West Peoria website and the West Peoria Fourth of July Facebook page. This is an event that brings thousands into our community. Dozens of volunteers are involved in preparation. Each year, a grand marshal is chosen who is nominated for efforts in our community. Nomination information is available on the website and Facebook page.
The Annual Memorial Day Service to honor our veterans is tentatively being planned for 10 a.m. Saturday, May 29 at the Veterans Memorial in Franciscan Park. Take advantage to pay respect to our veterans at this event which has involved many from our community. For more information, access the website or check with City Hall. Presentation of colors will be by West Peoria Scouts and Midwest Central Young Marines. Bruce Brown, former U.S. Marine will be our featured speaker. Bring lawn chairs. There is no problem with maintaining social distancing at this location.