Ah, but some 27 years later, my youngest child, Tara, also a game playing enthusiast, asked if I’d be interested in inviting friends for playing games monthly. Bunco seemed the best choice since options previously enjoyed decades earlier were still possible. We needed 12 to play, and a substitute if someone was absent. We put our lists together, deciding on six people in Tara’s age category and six in mine. We mailed out invitations to those we thought would enjoy the fun and friendship, inviting them to an introductory evening.
Monday, April 26, 2004, we met, discussed details, and decided June would usher in the inaugural throw of the dice. Our initial start time was 7 p.m., and we’d serve beverages and snacks. We later changed to 6:30 p.m. and eventually decided to meet at six and share dinner together. We each chose the month we wanted to host, and, while preparing a meal for 12 people takes effort, a turn happens only once yearly. Our original group had some changes before the second month arrived. One person decided she didn’t want to continue playing. No one took it personally and we invited someone else to join us. Later we had two people who moved out of state, and another person who dropped out for personal reasons. We took it all in stride and continued getting to know each other better and enjoy each other even more.
Accepting that diversity is part of our humanity, and watching it unfold through friendships gives us inspiring examples. We range in age from 42 to 82 with mixed experiences. Together we’ve celebrated the arrival of babies; the joy of watching women become grandmas; we’ve said goodbye to those who moved away; we’ve shared the thrill of those buying a new house; we’ve comforted those mourning the loss of their husband; we’ve prayed for those whose health has made sudden, scary turns; we’ve celebrated 17 years of playing Bunco; and we’ve said sad goodbyes to two women who passed away and who we will always miss. Interwoven among all those situations, we’ve learned about differences and similarities and how much we value the wisdom, humor, and kindness so generously shared.
Each month we get excited about prizes we might win. And regardless who are the evening’s lucky winners, we all know the real prize is in the respect and fondness we have for each other.