Lawmakers working to improve school lunches

An effort to improve the quality of school meals for lower-income and minority students is making its way through the Illinois General Assembly. The Better School Lunches Act has moved on to the Senate after passing unanimously through the Statehouse last month. Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth, D-Peoria, reintroduced the legislation after photos of some less-than-appetizing meals served at Peoria Public Schools posted on social media sparked outrage and increased scrutiny.

Jehan Gordon-Booth

Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth

“The way that the stories were depicted, it certainly sounded as though this was an exclusive Peoria Public Schools issue — and I’m here to tell you that that is not the case,” said Gordon-Booth, adding she initially started working on the bill in 2019 after noticing her own daughter was not eating the meals she received at her school.

“Frankly, I just felt like we as parents, of public school children deserve better (and) as taxpayers, we deserve better. … I decided to do what most legislators in my case would do: I started investigating, and I wanted to know why the lunches were so bad.”

What Gordon-Booth found was an issue with the Illinois Procurement Code that requires school districts participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) to accept the lowest bid when selecting their food service contractors.

She says that requirement doesn’t give the school districts any leeway in gauging the quality and nutritional value offered, instead forcing them to accept service that may be sub-standard.

“Vendors (are) forced to bid the lowest possible amount in order to try to secure the contract,” she said. “What we see happening is they cut their service or cut the quality of the products, and the school district suffers because they get bad food service. Then what you find at the end of the lunch periods are garbage cans full of the food that the kids would not eat.”

Illinois and New York are the only two states that force districts enrolled in the NSLP to take the low bid. The Better School Lunches Act removes that requirement from the Illinois code. PPS Superintendent Dr. Sharon Kherat says District 150 will benefit greatly if the bill becomes law, particularly from an equity standpoint.

“We’ve seen locally and statewide that there is a disparity between school districts in the quality of meal served when compared to wealthier school districts. So we feel that this is a disparity gap that can be closed through this new legislation,” said Kherat.

Gordon-Booth said since the Better School Lunches Act only applies to districts in the NSLP, it mainly impacts low-income and minority students. So removing the low-bid requirement addresses an inequity in the system

“We’re talking about rural kids, urban kids and suburban kids across the state are subjected to subpar food simply because of the state of Illinois Procurement Code, and I think we can do better,” she said. “Let’s remember the reason why the National School Lunch Program exists is because we know that there are children (who) get their only quality meals each day while they’re at school. But at the same time this policy forces children into what we know is an inferior product.”

Gordon-Booth says not only does requiring school districts to take the low bid for food service a detriment to quality, it’s also inconsistent with how they handle other business.

“That makes no sense whatsoever. We negotiate on everything else but we can’t negotiate food,” she said, adding that districts and food providers both need the ability to discuss their pricing options so that they can maximize cost effectiveness. “Why are we as a state in the business of telling a school district of duly elected (board) members they cannot negotiate the food?”

Kherat said PPS still has a strong relationship with its current food provider, Sodexo. She said the company responds well when issues are raised and they have improved their menu significantly in recent years.

“We have close to 13,000 students in our district and they serve thousands of meals a day, and I do believe the overwhelming majority of those are quality meals,” said Kherat. “All it takes is one thing going wrong and then it gets on social media and ‘boom,’ it just snowballs from there.”
Gordon-Booth says she’s hopeful the bill will move through the Senate quickly and arrive on Gov. JB Pritzker’s desk for his signature sometime this summer.

This story is published in partnership with The Community Word and WCBU, Peoria Public Radio.

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