Letter to Editor: Peoria Library employees deserve better pay — NOW

The Peoria Chapter of the National Organization for Women has joined with other individuals and organizations in supporting the Peoria Public library employees in their requests for a new contract.

Though they are city employees, library workers do not enjoy the same level of benefits as other City of Peoria employees. Many of the employees are at or near minimum-wage salaries, which are not commensurate with level of education, years of experience, and duration of service to our library system. For the last 13 years, non-minimum-wage increases have ranged between $0.52 to $1.89 per hour. Their health insurance premiums are higher than other City employees. On retirement, their Social Security benefits will be based on their earnings, guaranteeing them a low income for their lifetime of service. Don’t they deserve the same compensation as the workers who patch our streets?

Peoria voters strongly approved the bond issue that enabled the building of the North Branch Library, the addition to the Lincoln Branch facility, and renovations at the Lakeview Library. That was a sign that Peoria supported its library system and saw the need for its services. However wonderful and lovely these facilities are, the real service is provided by the library staff and librarians. Without the librarians, there are just shelves of books and other media. Many of the most successful programs that the library offers are due to the efforts of library staff, who initiated and developed them such as the Summer Reading programs and Peoria Reads.

Peoria is presenting itself as a destination for people seeking a high quality of life. People will be looking at our libraries as well as schools when assessing the educational system, public parks, arts programs and sporting events. If our librarians have left to seek a living wage, this says something about our lack of commitment to quality of life and education.

This city needs to show our library staff the respect their profession and commitment deserve. If the Library Board and City Council value these people, put that appreciation into their paychecks. We call on the City of Peoria to become a truly equal opportunity employer.

Signed, Co-presidents of Peoria Chapter, National Organization for Women
Nancy Long, Peoria
Martha Willi, Peoria

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