XAVIER JACKSON: Requiem for America



Our once great republic is in its death throes. The higher angels of America inspired a beautiful dream that has captivated the hopes of the civilized world for nearly 250 years. They exalted America’s brand of government and our values so all could see our inherent goodness.

Our most ruthless and destructive lesser demons have now seized control and they did it on our watch.

We all feel the weight, the emotional burden of bearing witness to our national descent into the crass madness forever on display in the House, in particular, and everywhere else in general. I am probably not the only one who became sick to my stomach at the prospect of viewing the upcoming Presidential Debates.

I would rather scroll through every Google image of prolapse (Do not do it! You will be sorry).

Presidential politiks

We should expect an exchange of feeble and rude sound bites from this exercise that will put our broken political system on display for the world. Trump will bully. Biden will babble. The 24-hour-a-day eggheads will rip both men to shreds. Prospective voters will be given a shallow but well-polished turd … an entertaining name-calling spectacle.

This is how we love our American Republic? Shall we continue to cower in the face of an existential threat to our democracy while America’s many enemies celebrate our shrinking influence as the world’s guardian of democracy?

An uproarious laughter capable of causing a tsunami will erupt from around the globe. China will likely become more aggressive in the South China Sea and join forces with Russia and North Korea to menace our NATO allies. Iran will continue to fund and direct Triple H, its terrorist all-star team of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis to generate an environment hostile to American interests.

Triple H has relentlessly attacked American shipping; they have even killed American soldiers and they are proud of it.

The H’s did it at the behest of Iran, which has been our mortal enemy for more than 40 years.

They want an ideological showdown with America and they love it when our citizens chant “death to America” in the streets of our cities.

That incident in Dearborn, Mich., will go down as among the most overtly disrespectful displays of indifference towards our precious republic I have ever had the misfortune to witness. Shame on every ungrateful one of them.

There’s a difference

History will hold us accountable for our indifference towards the magnificent gift, our American Republic, that was given to us. So will God for abandoning the values that once defined our nation.

I believe indifference to be the antithesis of love. America’s autopsy will show her cause of death as indifference. Our generation, everyone now living, will be held responsible. We have been programmed to consume far beyond our individual needs and thus beyond sustainability. The ensuing fear of scarcity has turned America into a land of pervasive aggression and conflict.

Those few, who control our array of media with their aggressive mental rewiring tactics, profit wildly by invading our privacy and amplifying our differences. Brotherhood and love do not reside in the boardrooms where they only worship the god of gimme. When America finally dies, these insatiable parasites will be the ones to pick her sacred bones.

National duty

Our republic was formed around the words, “E Pluribus Unum,” out of many … one. The French Republic adopted the motto, “liberty, equality and brotherhood.” We have all heard the saying, “United we stand. Divided we fall.” Unity and brotherhood are essential to a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Societies or governments that only serve the few can be characterized as monarchies. They typically have a supreme leader who calls all the shots. Citizens of a monarchy rarely glimpse the upward mobility afforded by the noble words “all men are created equal.” Right after our Constitution was completed in 1787, Ben Franklin was asked if we had a republic or a monarchy. He responded: “A republic, if you can keep it.”

The Constitutional Convention included slave owners, abolitionists and men with varying religious beliefs. Some refused to vote for the new Constitution and wanted another convention. Franklin disagreed saying, “From such an assembly can a perfect production be expected? It therefore astonishes me, sir, to find this system approaching so near to perfection as it does.” They compromised because an imperfect solution is better than no solution.

Franklin allowed his understanding to grow and entertain other ideas. He went from being a slave owner to being a champion for their emancipation. There were no illusions about the difficulties that would be involved with holding this fledgling republic together. It was going to require men with divergent interests to see beyond themselves, their families and even beyond their lifetimes in order to establish a Constitution able to secure a future for everyone — including those only counted as three fifths a person.

Not even 100 years later it took the will of a remarkable president and 600,000 casualties to preserve the republic and its government guaranteed by the Constitution through a bloody Civil War. We suffer the consequences of that mathematical error even now.

For nearly 250 years our democratic government has tried to protect the working class many from the wealthy few. Some of you may be confused about which of those groups you belong to. If you do not own a private jet or a string of polo ponies, then you are part of the former group and the people the media matrix has programmed you to despise should be your brothers in the struggle for equality and justice.

Because the ones with the ponies, jets and yachts are taking everyone else on the skinny boat to tuna town.

National nightmare

Your not so humble author has embraced the horror and has accepted that the country I have loved for my entire life is lost to this indifference. We are incapable of the brotherhood that could save us. Everyone is either looking for someone to fight or for someone to pay their way.

America is a goner.

The rest of you are going to have to decide how you feel about our democracy. If you love America it should be hard to vote for a man who openly says he will kill our republic, name himself monarch and bring to power a dynasty that bears his name. The name of a basic parasite.

There are many Americans thirsting for a chance to use the stockpile of weapons they have collected to intimidate or murder those they are indifferent about. I wonder if any of them have thought about how that looks. The people whom you hate will likely not leave their homes willingly. Let us say King Trump proclaims open season and non-Whites are to be killed or driven out of his new realm.

The streets would be awash in the blood of American citizens. Your blood, too. No one would be able to work, shop, go to church or seek basic services. The hunted citizens that survive and escape to Canada or Mexico will certainly lead retaliatory incursions against this evil empire. So will their descendants and so will their descendants.

You think the lockdown of 2020 disrupted economic growth? The Civil War of 2026 will certainly obliterate any lingering notions of American innovation, industry and international leadership. The Trump regime will eventually fall victim to America’s current enemies who would be happy to subjugate our citizens as colonial servants for the wealthy few who would now be under some foreign government’s control.

The protesters who are so dedicated to their opposition to the war in Gaza that they cannot fathom casting a vote for President Biden would do well to remember Trump’s xenophobic Muslim ban. Palestine is better off with Biden in the White House. The people who are considering casting their vote for the guy with the brain worm should ask those who voted for Jill Stein and/or Gary Johnson how those decisions have aged.

History is watching

The reasons each one of us has for loving or hating either presidential candidate are incidental and will not matter when viewed through the lens of history. Every one of us needs to understand that a vote for President Biden is a vote for the American Republic we all have benefited from and to some degree share a love for.

A vote for Trump is a vote against freedom, equality, even democracy itself and history will hold you accountable for your indifference.

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