Author Archive for Community Word Staff


It’s Enough to Make Us Go Postal! by Ed Klein, Peoria, IL We should have guessed it … the predatory privatizers have put their sights on the United States Postal Service. To lend credence to their arguments for turning our hallowed postal…

The Community Corner

4th Installment Features …… info from Peoria City/County Health Dept. and Peoria County [Editor’s Note: The Community Word offers this column to various agencies and governmental organizations in an effort to inform the public just what it is that they do for our Peoria-area…

April Happenings

April Happenings thru April 8 – Lily Show at Luthy Botanical Gardens. Call 686-3362. April 5 – “Understanding Your Tax Bill,” from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. at ICC’s North Campus on University St. This workshop give property owners in Peoria County a chance to learn how…

News briefs

Methodist Offers April “Coffee with the Doctors” If you’re among the growing number of people who has difficulty hearing, Methodist Medical Center is offering a free opportunity to learn the causes and treatments. In another of its regular “Coffee with the Doctors,” Methodist Medical…

Peoria Park District news

FORGET THE LAWN—WE’RE HUNTING FOR EGGS UNDERWATER! Why hunt for eggs on the lawn when you can hunt them UNDERWATER at the AquaPlex? The Peoria Park District and the RiverPlex Recreation and Wellness Center will hold their annual Underwater Egg Hunt for children…

Summer camps at Peoria Park District

The Peoria Park District offers many great summer camps for children at various locations with different themes. For more detailed information regarding specific camp dates and registration fees, check the SummerPlaybook available April 21, or visit This summer, the Peoria Park…