Author Archive for Community Word Staff

First 100 Days

by Lori Curtis Luther, Peoria County Administrator Thanksgiving Day marks my 100th day as Peoria County’s Administrator. Reflecting on the past 100 days, I certainly have much to be thankful for since August 16, 2011. First, I would like to…

Happenings for December

thru Dec 17 – Candlelight Walks – Recurring weekly on Fri. & Sat. at  Luthy Botanical Gardens. thru Dec 31st – Conklin’s Barn II Dinner Theatre presents “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” Recurring weekly on Sun., Thurs.,…


Gordon Votes to Close Pension Loopholes Working to reform the state’s broken pension system, state Rep. Jehan Gordon (D-Peoria) recently supported two measures aimed at closing loopholes & preventing abuses of state pension benefits. House Bill 3815 prevents an employee…

Let Us Prey

By Ed Klein, Peoria, IL h I hold no brief for Mormonism, and I’m not particularly fond of Mitt Romney. But when Christian leaders call it a cult, I find it appropriate to cite Hanlon’s Razor: “Never attribute to malice…