Author Archive for Community Word Staff

Labor Roundup

Pullback on “joint employers” rules blasted. The AFL-CIO is criticizing a Trump administration Labor Department pullback of how to interpret who “joint employers” are. DOL yanked an interpretation of the law by David Weil, the Wage and Hour Administrator during…

PJS business strategy

Several recent reports on Journal Star corporate owner GateHouse Media (New Media Investment Group) explain the company’s aggressive newspaper acquisition strategy as a marketing plan to beef up revenues while cutting journalism. Ken Doctor writes in Nieman Lab, Nieman Foundation…


Facts, Trumpcare and the ERA The documentary film “Equal Means Equal” was shown at Bradley University in May sponsored by NOW Peoria Chapter and Bradley University Women’s and Gender Studies Program. The film deconstructs and disproves the notion that women’s…


NRA, racism and misogyny Over the past eight years, whenever there was a school shooting or some other mass killing, the National Rifle Association and certain politicians would spread the threat that Obama (Black guy) or Hillary (powerful woman) were…


Could 2017 be the year for industrial hemp in Illinois? BY REBECCA OSLAND Farmers and other advocates have been trying for decades to bring hemp back to Illinois agriculture. This year, the Illinois Legislature grappled with SB1294, co-sponsored by Sen.…

Arts Beat

MUSIC June 1: Ratt at 8 p.m. Limelight Eventplex. 693-1234. June 2: “Broadway Jazz Night” featuring Stephanie Aaron, 8 p.m. at the Waterhouse. 494-9100. June 2: Chicken Shack Blues. 8 p.m. Rhythm Kitchen. 676-9668. June 2: Cousin Eddie “Live at…

Labor Roundup

Retired miners win health benefits extension. Scrambling to ensure that more than 22,000 aging, ailing retired miners didn’t lose their health care, Congress approved extending the benefits, run by two government-funded plans that were running out of money due to…