Author Archive for Community Word Staff

Ironic Headlines

By Dolores M. Klein, Peoria, IL I’m sure the Suffragists were an ongoing “pain in the neck,” during all those years from when Abigail Adams pleaded with the framers of the Constitution to “remember the ladies … regard us as…

It’s War, Folks!

By Ed Klein, Peoria, IL We’re all aware of the many wars being waged around the world today. However, the war I’m referring to is one being waged right here in the United States. No, not the war against Christmas,…

50 Rock to Rock Wokanda

The Peoria Park District’s 50 Rock program for active 50+ individuals is hosting 50 Rock Rocks Wokanda on Saturday, September 7 from 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. at Camp Wokanda. Cost is $35 per person, which includes all activities and three meals.…