Gordon-Booth legislation makes it harder to committ frauid

A new law backed by state Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth, D-Peoria, will help fraud and abuse in state programs by punishing anyone who participates in Medicaid fraud. “Medicaid is an important program that provides assistance to people who cannot afford it otherwise, but fraud and waste in the system is a burden on taxpayers,” Gordon-Booth said. “Law-abiding Illinoisans should not have their hard-earned tax dollars abused by those trying to game the system.”

House Bill 71 makes it illegal for any person, agency or organization to knowingly help another person illegally obtain Medicaid benefits using false information. Previously, only individuals receiving fraudulent benefits could be charged with a crime. This law allows individuals attempting to defraud the state face serious criminal and financial penalties. For more information, please contact Gordon-Booth’s constituent service office at 309-681-1992 or repjgordon@gmail.com.

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