Nature Rambles

No Turning Back

On a summer collecting trip in Northern Illinois, a botanist made “a most remarkable find” near Lake Calumet in Cook County. No, it wasn’t gold or platinum . . . . It was something far more rare. A diminutive flower…

Nature Rambles

A Prairie Ghost I’ll never forget the day when an old self-proclaimed “river–rat” came by to show me some bones he had found in the Illinois River when the water was particularly low. Hollow eye sockets stared back at me…


Spring Cleaning… Spring has finally arrived, and there’s a flurry of activity and updates to share. So get out and enjoy everything that this season has to offer.    Fire… An ecologist once said that fire season is just like…

A society blossoms in Peoria

Aged hands clasped the black leather-bound book as a thin-framed man walked along the bustling streets of downtown Peoria. His destination was the great archives at the Public Library. His mission was to preserve over 40 years of memories for…

Eagle counts

With winter temperatures dipping below freezing, the Illinois River takes on a whole new personality. At this year’s Eagle Day at Forest Park Nature Center, the sub-zero wind chills kept the human population low. But the hardy folks who came…

Nature Rambles for November 2014

Prairie Chicken Politics Who would have thought that one of the iconic symbols of the Illinois Prairie could become a political hot potato? But that’s exactly what happened this year as biologists attempted to boost the crashing population of Greater…