
Ethics of Stewardship As I write about ethics of stewardship, today I am focusing on things outside our walls. Next time I will focus on use of building space. It was not until the late 19th century that grass lawns…

Snow Trillium Spring has officially blossomed! On St. Patrick’s Day, I managed to get out to a special place in the woods where some of the first flowers of spring peek through the leaf litter. It has been a mild…

Even as a young adult, I firmly believed in the likelihood of living happily ever after. Growing up in an era and environment which included many large families, though mine was not, I had naïve expectations about marriage and children.…

Landscape waste pick-up for 2016 will begin on the first Friday in April. Boy Scout Troop 11 is again selling trash bags from March 21 to April 11. Contact any Troop 11 scout or Bob DeSutter, scout leader at 674-6668.…

There are times when one needs to take a slow walk to appreciate the language of history: to understand the passion, foresight and insight of those who have gone before. Now, I am going to admit that I am neither…

“That guy pulled a real Stanislavski!” exclaimed Frank Gifford years ago during a Monday Night Football broadcast. The reference was to Constantine Stanislavski, the Russian theater director, acting teacher and founder of the Moscow Art Theater (MAT) and a punter…

Painting a Picture Called Peoria As residents of Peoria, we are all painting a picture of our city that is going to be hung on the wall for all the world to see. What do we want that picture to…

Neighborhood Notes

Kip Strasma, president of the Downtown Living Neighborhood Association (DLNA) says, “With hundreds of people potentially moving downtown in 2016 and 2017, the DLNA is working to produce a resident ‘welcome packet.’ The idea is to provide helpful information about…

High blood pressure affects one out of every three adults. About 70 million people in the United States have high blood pressure, but only half have their blood pressure under control. High blood pressure has been called the silent killer,…