
Thank you, ‘Moose’

More than 825 people attended the retirement party at the Bradley Renaissance Center for business manager Ken Goldin, Friday, May 25. Goldin was honored for 50 years of service on the Hilltop and in the Peoriacommunity. Space doesn’t allow for mention of everyone who spoke…

Flag Day, patriotism and outsourcing

It’s obvious and easy to criticize Wal-Mart for selling outsourced merchandise made overseas, some of it by virtual slaves or kids. But as Flag Day approaches, it’s worth noting that Caterpillar, Inc. and Peoria Flag & Decorating in Peoria Heights each in its…

Every day should be Earth Day

It boiled down to cleanliness. That was the consensus from a class of 4th graders, to the question, “What is Earth Day all about?” Their experience reflects a common impression that it’s about picking up litter; cleaning up our towns,…

Happenings for June 2012

June 1 –Circle Eight’s 7:30 – 10:00 p.m. at Good Shepherd Lutheran School in Pekin. Square Dance with Herb Edwards. Hawaiian Night. Finger food served. June 1 –Riverfront’s CEFCU Center Stage at the Landings features LoCas Cowboys with Special Guest Feudin’ Hillbillys. 7:30 p.m. Admission: $10 (in advance…