Leslie Bellavance was an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, a member of West Hubbard Gallery, and a contributor to and regional editor of the New Art Examiner when I first met her in 1982. She was a recent…
Some years ago a Christian friend asked me what “the religious experience” is. He had visited various churches and worship groups and was puzzled by what he found. Practice seemed disconnected from theology, and even the practice didn’t seem consistent.…
In order for society to function, we as a community need to work together in all facets of life. Having the ability to be that helping hand for one and all brings balance and stability to a community and its…
My last three columns highlighted a federal, dividend-based carbon tax. This policy would often amplify complementary local, state and international policies. State governments, for example, can capitalize on a dividend-based carbon tax by expanding renewable energy production, electrifying transportation, increasing…
List making, note taking, journaling, card sending, and frequent reading of profound sayings or devotions are enjoyable for me. List making has become an absolute necessity. I can sing multiple verses of songs from the ’60s, but if I need…
Following the siege at the nation’s Capitol, many were left to ponder the question, is this America? For many, their race, ethnicity, culture and political beliefs determined the answer. America has always been a tale of two countries. There has…
A dispute between Peoria County Coroner Jamie Harwood and the Peoria Fire Department became a public debate, and it was entirely unnecessary. News releases from Harwood and the Fire Department described a garage fire at 1928 S. Stanley that claimed…
The longtime weightlifter, soldier, policeman, family man and mentor also pushes others – to bear life’s burdens and condition themselves to meet future challenges. In Full Cannon, published late last year, the 61-year-old Peoria who founded programs such as ELITE…
If you don’t like what you saw in Washington, D.C. last month, start change by paying attention to elected officials here at home. For example, here are some highlights gathered by the League of Women Voters of Greater Peoria: In…