The West Peoria Neighborhood Watch has included 20 years of watching and reporting for all West Peorians. Thanks for those years and go for another 20. Maggie Moore has been the person coordinating and guiding this watch that makes our…
Serendipity | Seven Grandchildren Greetings
by Sandra Dempsey Post • • 0 Comments
Wishing each of you a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with joy, happy moments and knowing you are loved and cherished by many, especially your Grammie! As a child I was in love with Christmas. I understood…
The Lion’s Den | Every Vote Counts
by Daniel McCloud • • 0 Comments
Over the past months, one of the main points of discussion surrounding the upcoming presidential election has been voter suppression. Or in a broader sense, actions that may be viewed as a threat to the democratic process of voting. There…
Bill Knight | “Falsehood flies”
by Bill Knight • • 0 Comments
The last time Central Illinois’ 18th Congressional District was represented by someone other than a Republican was in 1939 when James Meeks finished his third term. So it’s not crazy for the GOP to be confident, even arrogant, about the…
Straight Talk | How times have changed!
by Roger Monroe • • 0 Comments
There was a time when I watched TV news and read the newspaper free of any political influence. All forms of media provided information objectively, I thought. Years ago, the Peoria Journal Transcript had a Republican column and a Democrat…
The Watch | Election Commission Updates
by Terry Bibo • • 0 Comments
While it seemed November would never come, it has. Your elected officials continue to juggle multiple crises — COVID-19, crazy weather, plummeting revenues — as they anticipate a post-election future. On Sept. 8, Peoria County Election Commission received an update…
Real Talk | Love through the destruction
by Kamara Taylor • • 0 Comments
With the abundance of social chaos and the political and economic demise from multiple pandemics, there is no surprise that disparity continues to surround our society. These are trying times, and there remains real pain. However, I am constantly reminded…