Big Picture Peoria 2019 Street Festival will be held Oct. 12. We felt you would enjoy hearing about it from some of those who are working hard again this year to hold the most unique and surprising annual arts event…
Sept. 1-2: Vinyl Tap, 7:30 p.m. Sunday and 11:30 a.m. Monday. Delavan Fall Festival. Delavan. 840-0838. Sept. 3, 10 and 17: John Miller and Preston Jackson. 7 p.m. Broken Tree Café. 648-1439. Sept. 4, 11 and 18: : John Miller.…
Living in the same house for 42 years offers perspectives not so evident to people who move regularly. It certainly offers challenges concerning the need to sort and send rather than keep and stack possessions. But life’s a trade off…
I recently watched the documentary “True Justice” which tells the story of Bryan Stevenson, the attorney who started the Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery, Ala. Not unlike his book “Just Mercy,” it was a difficult watch and took me five…
The second annual Taste of West Peoria and West Peoria Fire Department Family Day are both planned for 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 15th on Waverly Ave. Redevelop grant applications are still available in City Hall. Home owners are…
Across Illinois, people of faith are responding to the climate crisis, connecting with one another and taking action through a unique interfaith organization called Faith in Place. Faith in Place empowers people, from many diverse religious traditions, to become champions…
“Robert H. Michel: Leading the Republican House Minority” was just published through the auspices of Frank Mackaman who directs the work of The Dirksen Congressional Center. The book includes a number of authors who researched and wrote about the extraordinary…
In November of 2002 the morning show, “Breakfast with Royce and Roger” began on WOAM, 1350 AM. It starred my dear friend comedian Royce Elliott and featured so many wonderful friends from Pete Vonachen to Mayor Jim Maloof, George Shadid,…