Tryouts haven’t changed much through the years. They’re still filled with anticipation, excitement and uneasy feelings of “maybe I’m not good enough.” Typically there are more individuals competing than will make the team, land a role in the play, get…
West Peoria News | Fourth of July parade and flag raising
by Sharon McBride • • 0 Comments
The 49th celebration of the West Peoria Fourth of July parade and flag raising is upon us. The parade starts 10 a.m. (rain or shine) and wends its way through West Peoria. This event is well attended by thousands of…
Views & Perspectives | Impeachment a waste of time; Pass legislation to solve our most pressing problems
by Ray LaHood • • 0 Comments
Now that the Mueller Report is complete, it is time for Congress to begin debating and solving the country’s most pressing problems. More to follow further in this column. It seems the House of Representatives under the control of the…
Straight Talk | Solve the mystery on West Ann for $5,000
by Roger Monroe • • 0 Comments
People are still talking about the tragic death of four year old Jeremiah Ward. The little boy was shot and killed by a vengeful gang member or drug dealer in the parking lot of the Lincoln Terrace Apartments, 2825 West…
Bill Knight | Two new Americana CDs
by Bill Knight • • 0 Comments
Pope John XXIII is remembered as saying, “I never met a pessimist who managed to do something good,” a phrase that comes to mind after hearing two new Americana CDs with a sympathetic ear that was charmed, then disappointed. (Full…
Reflections From A Hindu Perspective | Sewa
by Dr. Mandar Pattekar • • 3 Comments
Sewa is selfless service performed without expecting anything in return. It is an act performed by humans as a basic property of being a human, not guided by the expectation of joy dependent on desire fulfillment. As a human, we…
The Lion’s Den | Soundtracks to the Struggles
by Daniel McCloud • • 0 Comments
Southern trees bear strange fruit Blood on the leaves and blood at the root Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees Pastoral scene of the gallant south The bulging eyes and the twisted…
Nature Rambles | Migrating Goatsuckers
by Mike Miller • • 0 Comments
Real Talk | Silence — the true murderer of humanity
by Kamara Taylor • • 0 Comments
How often do we just sit back and watch things occur without speaking up? Whether that is in the form of allowing verbal bullying to occur or mentally removing oneself from a situation but physically being present. That does not…