(First of two parts. Second part to be published in May.) The universal feeling that we as human beings can relate to is loss, if that is in the form of losing a job, or game, a loved one, losing…
Nature Rambles | The common connection
by Mike Miller • • 0 Comments
As a blustery March gives way to the hope of spring, we look forward to an April of warmer temperatures and some greenery in an otherwise sleeping landscape. Already, birds are migrating in support of the coming changes in the…
Inland Art | Dennis Kowalski
by Paul Krainak • • 1 Comment
Art Inc. | Art comes in many forms
by Community Word Staff • • 2 Comments
When you think of “the arts” what comes to mind? How about when someone says they’re an artist? Upon asking most people this question their answer is somewhere along the lines of fine arts and visual arts. That couldn’t be…
Arts Beat | April 2019
by Community Word Staff • • 0 Comments
MUSIC April 5: Dexter O’Neal and the Funk Yard “Live at the Five Spot.” 5:30 p.m. Contemporary Art Center. 674-6822. April 5: Hyryder – Grateful Dead tribute. 10 p.m. Kenny’s Westside Pub. 676-1693. April 6: Berchtold & Steer. 7 p.m.…
West Peoria News | Annual town meeting April 9
by Sharon McBride • • 0 Comments
The West Peoria annual town meeting, as mandated by the federal government for townships to inform citizens of events of the past year, will be 7:30 p.m. April 9 in the township building, 2516 W Rohmann Ave. West Peoria’s Annual…
Views & Perspectives | America’s infrastructure is falling apart
by Ray LaHood • • 0 Comments
The following remarks were delivered by me at the House of Representatives Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Feb. 7: We are two decades into the 21st century, and America’s infrastructure is falling apart, and our nation’s economic competitiveness is falling behind.…
Straight Talk | First woman hospital CEO to retire
by Roger Monroe • • 1 Comment
To some, she came out of nowhere. To those who knew her, she was destined for leadership. Debbie Simon started her career in health as a floor nurse at Methodist Medical Center in 1976. Over the years she advanced in…
Bill Knight | “Centrism” is an ideology, too
by Bill Knight • • 1 Comment
Cautious or incremental approaches can be sensible. If you aspire to play with the Heartland Festival Orchestra, it’s pragmatic to practice well before approaching conductor David Commanday; if you dream of running in June’s Steamboat Classic, gradually getting in shape…
Reflections From A Hindu Perspective | Goals of life
by Dr. Mandar Pattekar • • 8 Comments
In Sanskrit, the ancient language of the Hindus, there is a term called Simhavalokan – Lion’s gaze. When a lion is walking, after covering a distance, he will pause and turn back, as if contemplating where he came from, and…