
Inland Art

Monday, Dec. 4, Chicago sculptor Donna Hapac will open an exhibition at the Hartmann Gallery at Bradley University displaying forms and themes she has explored over the last three decades. I first met Donna in graduate school in the MFA…

Arts Beat

MUSIC Dec. 1-2: Chicago Farmer. 7 p.m. Apollo Theater. 673-4343. Dec. 1: “Nutcracker 2017,” 7 p.m. Limelight Eventplex. 693-1234. Dec. 1: Central Illinois Youth Symphony and Concert Orchestra. 7:30 p.m. ICC’s Performing Arts Center. 678-6541. Dec. 1: Bradley Women’s Choir. 7:30…

Real Talk

Racism and America Earlier this year, I participated in an event called “Let’s Talk: Improving Racial and Cultural Relationships” at the Universalist Unitarian Church. The event consisted of two large group 4-hour workshops and 2-3 small group discussions around Ta-Nehesi…

Bricks & Mortar

What does Peoria have in common with Chicago? One thing that both share are iconic buildings by renowned Chicago architect William W. Boyington. Boyington designed many structures in the Chicago area during the later half of the 19th century, including the Old…


FALL IS FOR FUNDRAISING As you read this column, our community will be honoring a number of extraordinary citizens who have contributed to making their communities and Central Illinois in particular an extraordinary place to live. These fundraisers honor our…


THE MISSING FLAG Gary Hall is a Vietnam veteran and a strong supporter of all veterans, especially those missing in action and prisoners of war. That’s why he’s passionate about the POW/MIA flag and its familiar black and white design.…


The prospect of a right-wing media conglomerate expanding might cause some to think, “It can’t happen here,” but there’s a local connection between Sinclair Broadcast Group’s proposed purchase of Tribune Media. Plus, legitimate concerns are similar to worrying about a…

West Peoria News

There are two different opportunities for West Peorians to improve the lives of others during the upcoming holiday season. Non-perishable food items are desperately needed for the 30th annual Stuff-a-Bus for Friendship House to be shared with families in need. Stuff-a-Bus is hosted by…