
Seasonal changes in weather and scenery are lovely advantages for living in the Midwest, believes this native Peorian. Sure there’s summer humidity and February dreariness, not to mention running air conditioning one day and the furnace two days later. Such…

Should someone ask me whether my family traveled much when I was growing up, my initial response would be “No.” There weren’t annual vacations to a fishing cabin or sightseeing trips or visits to relatives scattered across the country. But…

Wisdom, much to the disappointment of many, is not available in liquid or pill form, osmosis, or any type of absorption. It’s acquired through knowledge and experience. The former is time-consuming, the latter often painful. Perhaps that’s why many lose…

Youth has enough confidence, energy, and sometimes bravado to believe they alone have discovered the pathway to successful living. They often assume that what’s new is best, sometimes forgetting that previous generations experienced similar sentiments.  Folks with years of experience…

Articles and advice about downsizing abound. Becoming a minimalist, reducing clutter, seeking simplicity all are aimed at attracting interest in what is fast becoming a lifestyle. It’s very engaging, and some would insist necessary, particularly when certain details and difficulties…

Even as a young adult, I firmly believed in the likelihood of living happily ever after. Growing up in an era and environment which included many large families, though mine was not, I had naïve expectations about marriage and children.…

Growing older doesn’t intimidate me, although it’s happening sooner than I planned. The accumulation of years occurs with or without my consent so I don’t have to feel responsible for it. Even excessive amounts of chocolate or desserts, which I…

February, you are a challenging, volatile month causing chaos overnight with your merciless winter weather surprises. Not sure why you insist on doing that. We know you possess some compassion tucked deep inside because for many successive days we’re freezing…

By our own admission, we are a family of planners. Mother, father, one son, two daughters who enjoy involvement in the many excellent, fun-filled, necessary, enjoyable, and “helping us become better people” activities life offers. Sometimes we’re participants, other times observers. We’re extroverts…

West Peoria dedicated signs on both ends of Park Road to local musician Jimmy Binkley on Dec. 11. Park Road was chosen because of Binkley’s 12 years entertaining at Sky Harbor. Mr. Binkley died recently; his life was celebrated at…