

OpEd Flowers that express love, not exploitation By Kira Santiago If you’re like most people, when you think of Valentine’s Day you think of flowers, chocolate or maybe diamonds. People have begun to realize there is a dark side to…

Honk for peace

BY JACK RYAN If you have driven through the new bottleneck intersection of West Main and University between noon and 1 p.m. on any Saturday, you’ve undoubtedly noticed people on the Starbucks corner holding signs protesting war. Usually, one sign…

Racism and Inequality in America

Inequality is poisoning the American dream. As economic inequality grows, expanding geographic areas of this country lose hope. Hopelessness destroys democracy and poisons faith in the judicial system. Right now, faith in the American judicial system is paper thin: Trayvon…

Save the Monarchs

By Bonnie Cox The monarch butterfly, state of Illinois insect, is in danger of extinction. Their population is down by 90 percent in the overwintering grounds of Mexico. Some believe the monarch will share the history of the passenger pigeon.…