Editorial Page


Soil: Last Great Hope to Mitigate Climate Change BY DAVE BISHOP Dave Bishop farms organically in Central Illinois on PrairiErth Farm, a multi-generational, 480-acre operation that follows “regenerative farming” practices. Developing regenerative farming systems has been the mission at PrairiErth…


Racism is measurable, quantifiable, toxic Poverty, discrimination and injustice are the planned, intended consequences of racism, a system of beliefs sustained by fake assertions. Joe Madison, host of the Sirius talk radio show “The Black Eagle,” spoke at the Peoria…


Applauding Peoria’s Comprehensive Sex Education Curriculum When a child is born, a doctor says, “It’s a boy” or “It’s a girl.” Assigning someone’s sex is based on biology — chromosomes, anatomy and hormones. But a person’s gender identity — the…


Solutions: More women in leadership Don’t tell a feminist or a rational man that Hillary Clinton lost the election fair and square. Despite James Comey, fake news planted by Russia and other dirty tricks, Clinton won by more than 2.9…


Secular humanism: Driven by social justice and kindness Thank you for publishing “Reflections From a Secular Humanist,” by Harry Elger. His column succinctly explains secular humanism and the many reasons one would choose this enlightened worldview. Harry’s writing is clear,…


This book will scare you to death! It’s essential reading. BY ELAINE HOPKINS A recently published tiny paperback, the 126-page book “On Tyranny, Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century,” is essential reading today. The author, Timothy Snyder, a distinguished professor at…


Critical thinking, fake news & HATE People laughed at the preposterous notion Hillary Clinton was running a child pedophilia operation out of the back of a Washington, D.C., pizza parlor. Lots of us just groan when someone spouted off about…