BY DR. BOB EASTON AND NANCY LONG Most Midwesterners don’t worship sacred cows–or do we? If we count the varieties of meat and dairy products that fill the shelves of our grocery stores and compare the percentage of food budgets spent on…
Editorial Page
by Community Word Staff • • 0 Comments
Trans fat ban; Koehler was right Illinois Sen. Dave Koehler should feel exonerated. Labels like “nanny state” were hurled at him years ago for his efforts to ban trans fat. It took the FDA a while to catch up with…
Ramadan: Muslim holiday of fasting, reflection and kindness
by Community Word Staff • • 0 Comments
By Imam Kamil Mufti Ramadan is more than a time when we Muslims fast from dawn to dusk. It is a time to restore our connection with our Creator, and it is also a time to become closer to each…
Arctic Apples: What Would Granny Smith Do?
by Community Word Staff • • 3 Comments
By Herman Brockman OpEd Two Arctic apple varieties have been in the news recently because of their “approval” by the USDA and FDA. “Approval” is commonly used in the media, but the reality is that the USDA “deregulated” these Arctic…
Racism and Inequality in America
by Clare Howard • • 1 Comment
Lift the ban on public housing for people with non-violent criminal convictions
by Community Word Staff • • 0 Comments
Hedy Elliott Gardner OpEd All across the country people struggle to find affordable housing. People who are low income or on a fixed income find it especially challenging. The demand is driving the cost up so high that there is…
Save the Monarchs
by Community Word Staff • • 1 Comment
By Bonnie Cox The monarch butterfly, state of Illinois insect, is in danger of extinction. Their population is down by 90 percent in the overwintering grounds of Mexico. Some believe the monarch will share the history of the passenger pigeon.…
No responsible government ever, ever sells precious park land
by Community Word Staff • • 0 Comments
So now the verdict is in: On April 14, only three members of the Peoria City Council voted to stop the sale of nearly six acres of Riverfront Park for a private apartment development. The rest voted to proceed…
by Community Word Staff • • 0 Comments
By George Hopkins OK, we’re kidding. But such thoughts do cross our minds as my wife and I hike the two miles daily that’s supposed to be good for us. Over the years we’ve found some amazing stuff: of course…
by Clare Howard • • 0 Comments
WHAT’S THE COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF MORALITY? Words that obfuscate: Cut the Illinois income tax surcharge: This really means a tax savings bonanza for high-income earners and a miniscule savings for middle- and low-income earners. Right to work: This really means…