Editorial Page

The Fair Tax Act

by Irving B. Welchons III, Charlotte, NC It is time to file my Federal Income Tax return. That means hours spent gathering information and working with tax software or a preparation service to guide me through the maze of regulations…

Let Us Pray

by Ed. Klein, Peoria, IL We keep hearing people say that ever since prayer was taken out of the public schools the country has gone to hell in a hand-basket … and that most of our contemporary ills are a…

Some guest editorials

0213Bring This to the Forefront Dolores M. Klein, Peoria, IL Having followed all the widespread and intense discussions of the national Second Amendment/gun control follow-up to the Newtown tragedy, I keep hoping that Mayor Bloomberg’s argument would come to the…

Guest editorials

Out of the Mouths of Babes By Dolores M. Klein Peoria, IL A young actor created a furor recently by telling his young church-going friends not to watch “Two and a Half Men,” his TV show, calling it trash! By…

Guest editorials

Why We Keep on “Keeping On!” Dolores M. Klein Peoria, IL A Texas southerner, Lyndon Johnson, was the President who said “We shall overcome!” on national television – most surely influenced by the Civil Rights Movement. It was President Ronald…