Done Your Taxes Yet?

by Dexter Bland, Piedmont Alabama

Does the looming April 15 deadline weigh heavy on your mind or have you even been thinking about the IRS? If you are a businessman, you have to think about the IRS at minimum every payday when you are calculating how much of your employees’ money you have to withhold and send to them. If the IRS takes a hunk out your pay every payday, now is the time of the year that you have to calculate to find out if you have to send them even more money or get a refund of some of your money. What if as an employee you only sent the IRS money when you bought a new good or service or if you are a businessman, you only had to look at your cash register receipts to know how much to send the IRS? Sound too good to be true? There is a plan already developed called the FairTax. The entire tax bill can be read in about 20 minutes. If you would like to see true tax reform call your representative, Aaron Schock at 202-225-6201 , who is on the Ways and Means committee.

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