Photojournalists Renee C. Byer and Paul Kitagaki Jr. will have their photography on exhibit at Bradley University’s Hartmann Center Gallery April 14-29, and appear for a lecture and reception in Bradley’s Michel Student Center Ballroom on April 17.
April 3 – 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.: Page Turners Book Club – We’ll be talking about “A Week in Winter” by Meave Binchy. Call Dunlap Public Library at (309) 243-5716. April 7 – 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. – Monday Morning…
There’s a food fight coming to Peoria and you can throw your chef hat into the ring to compete with some of our area’s top chefs. Neighborhood House is sponsoring its first Food Fight to stop hunger on Thursday April 24th from…
April 2 9-10:30 am – Social Media Marketing Made Simple (free) – Learn more about using social media for your business. Register: www.webservicesinc.net 1-3 pm – Getting Started with Email Marketing (free) – Are you using email blasts for your…
Area residents will have the opportunity to vote on a key school-funding proposition in Peoria County and candidates for various offices in the March 18 General Primary Election. Although the top of the ballot has several contested races, few county…
March 10 – Last day for any member of the U.S. Service, spouse and dependents to make application for an absentee ballot and the last day for the election authority to mail such ballot (not less than 10 days before…