
Heights News

I recently read an article I found quite interesting. “In 2008, Airbus made the new A380 quieter than any previously manufactured plane in an effort to improve passenger experience. Unfortunately, Airbus didn’t realize until after they shipped the aircraft that…

Elder Care Concerns

By Dave Weiman It can be a bewildering array of facts and figures that an elder and their family face attempting to select a care provider. The following information may help in understanding the basic services provided by skilled nursing…

Neighborhood Notes

The Jackson Corners Neighborhood Association will feature two local speakers at its next meeting, at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 5 at the Child Advocacy Center, 501 E. Gift, according to president Mary Genzel. One of the neighborhood’s Peoria police officers and…

Elder Care Concerns

By Dave Weiman It may seem an overwhelming task to find a suitable care provider for an elder, whether they are looking for home care, assisted living or skilled nursing. Many times the search is complicated by the fact decisions…

Neighborhood Notes

Benefit for East Bluff Community Center. The East Bluff Sunrise Run on Oct. 10 will be a 5K run described as traversing “the tree-lined streets in Peoria’s East Bluff neighborhood,” where it will benefit the East Bluff Community Center, 512…