COVID has become more and more ‘commonplace’, but the virus is still a danger so consider getting the jabs
It was shocking to learn the country’s major news networks and newspapers failed to report results of the Johns Hopkins University meta-analysis coronavirus study regarding the effects of the ordered lockdowns. Of course, if the national media doesn’t cover the…
The unvaccinated may not be who we think they are, according to The New York Times. In a recent analysis, The Times reported that the United States has among the world’s highest COVID-19 deaths per capita, but vaccinations are widely…
As much of the world desperately struggles to access COVID-19 vaccines, the Unites States marinates in skepticism and misinformation. Despite the availability of safe, free and readily available vaccines, too many Americans are still unvaccinated and that weakens immunity for…
Renée Mullen is science savvy, and she was totally caught off guard by some totally unscientific public policy. Mullen has a PhD and taught in the science department at Eureka College for years. She has conducted scientific research around the…
With the approval of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine against the COVID-19 virus, concerns have been raised by some religious leaders that it was developed using cell lines from fetuses aborted decades ago. The Catholic Bishops’ Conference has recommended that…
As I write this article, I have spent the last year as most of us have –– isolated, socially distanced and careful often times in fear or thinking about the unknown such as where did this virus come dfrom? Why…
Israel is basking in positive international recognition for truly rapid and efficient COVID-19 vaccination rates among citizens. However, the Israeli militarily occupies the West Bank and Gaza and the under-reported story there is that the population has no or limited…