Local provocateur Patricia Kenny — New Yorker, Irishwoman born into English aristocracy transplanted in Peoria — founded the West Bluff Word, which fueled her fire for civil disobedience
Representative Jehan Gordon (D-Peoria) last week received the Illinois Downstate Caucus Education Advocate Award for the 96th General Assembly for her work in improving schools in the area. “I am honored and humbled to receive this award. Ensuring that our…
The popular and legendary Bradley basketball coach, Joe Stowell, has been fired by WMBD’s general manager, Mike Wild. Stowell will no longer be heard doing games with Dave Snell. Wild, who has a history of firing people, dumped Stowell in…
From capital punishment to education funding, gubernatorial candidates are running fast and hard with little agreement on the issues. Here we go . . . Newspapers and televised ads are once again replete with mudslinging and pointed remarks on candidates’…
Thrust into the November campaign after winning by just 193 votes over his primary opponent, Republican Senator Brady prepares to battle Governor Quinn on platforms he believes will create jobs, lower taxes and demonstrate competent leadership. If you’re looking for…