Tag Archive for Ray LaHood


CONGRESS MUST PASS DREAM ACT TO REINSTATE DACA (DEFERRED ACTION FOR CHILDHOOD ARRIVALS) In early September, President Trump ordered an end to the Obama-era program that shields young undocumented immigrants from deportation, calling it an “amnesty-first approach” and urging Congress…


Congress should listen to Sen. McCain’s wise words I had the opportunity to listen to Sen. John McCain’s speech given to all 100 senators on the U.S. Senate floor upon his return to Washington following the very bad news that…


ILLINOIS HAS A BUDGET; IT IS ABOUT TIME Finally Illinois has a budget. Two years without a budget has made Illinois look incompetent to deal with fiscal issues. Certainly, the passage of this budget is long overdue, and there is…


Bipartisan political support will continue funding for Peoria Ag Lab President Trump wants to close the Peoria Ag Lab according to his recently released budget. Not so fast says our Washington, D.C., political leadership. The National Center for Agricultural Utilization…


President Trump’s first 100 days:  Long on executive orders, short on legislative accomplishments First we should stipulate that there is probably way too much unrealistic talk and writing about any president’s ability to accomplish major legislation in the first 100…


It’s time to raise the nation’s D+ infrastructure grade In his address to Congress, President Trump described a future in which “crumbling infrastructure will be replaced with new roads, bridges, tunnels, airports and railways gleaming across our beautiful land,” and…


Bob Michel: One of the greatest of the greatest generation  Bob Michel’s life reflects the perfect definition of what Tom Brokaw called “The Greatest Generation.” Bob was raised by two loving parents with his two sisters in Peoria. He learned…


Cat C-suite leadership leaves; Community leadership must join forces to move Central Illinois to a new level  “A kick in the gut.” “The rug has been pulled out from under us.” “A betrayal by Cat of the community.” These quotes…


Time is now for a bold vision for infrastructure plus bold funding  To compete on a global scale and provide our citizens with the quality of life we have come to expect, the United States must have first-rate infrastructure. This…


First let me thank Clare Howard for the opportunity to present my views and perspectives in Community Word. When Clare first approached me about this opportunity, I was very reluctant and wondered if anyone would care about Ray LaHood’s point…