When State Rep. David Leitch, former Journal Star reporter, Commercial National Bank vice president and strongly pro-business Republican, announced recently he would not run again, expressions of admiration came from Democrats. Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth, D-Peoria, and Sen. Dave Koehler, D-Peoria,…
Heights News
Arts Beat
MUSIC Dec. 2: The Bradley Guitar Ensemble. 7:30 p.m. BU’s Dingeldine Music Center. 677-2650. Dec. 3: Senior Concerto Competition & Recital from the Central Illinois Youth Symphony’s. 6:30 p.m. Life Together Center. 685-5258. Dec. 4: The Swon Bzrothers. 8 p.m.…
Labor Roundup
Workers occupy lobby of SuperAmerica Minn. HQ. Workers seeking better wages and working conditions demonstrated on Nov. 17 at a St. Paul, Minn., SuperAmerica store, then briefly occupied the lobby of the company’s headquarters in nearby Woodbury. The actions called…
Neighborhood Notes
Jackson Corners Neighborhood Association Mary Genzel of the Jackson Corners Neighborhood Association reports that Peoria Neighborhood Development Specialist Steve Fairbanks will be the guest at the group’s next meeting, at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 3. Phone 682-4689 for more information. The…
Elder Care Concerns
By Dave Weiman It can be a bewildering array of facts and figures that an elder and their family face attempting to select a care provider. The following information may help in understanding the basic services provided by skilled nursing…
From jail architects to jail teachers in the era of mass incarcerations

The presidential debates confirmed that reducing America’s burgeoning incarceration rate is a bipartisan goal. “Three-strikes-and-you’re-out,” tougher drug sentencing even for non-violent drug crimes and mandatory sentencing guidelines have all added to the problem. Today, as presidential candidates from both parties…
Strengthening Peoria’s economy will take ‘horse sense’
It’s jarring when reality thumps wishful thinking. But “if wishes were horses, beggars would ride,” as it’s said. (Maybe the central Illinois equivalent is, “If wishes were caterpillars, butterflies would come.”) Anyway, the Peoria economy seems to be crying, “My…
The Myths of Immigration
Robert Reich, Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton and professor at University of California, Berkeley, has tackled “The 4 Big Lies about Immigrants – and the Truth” in a recent piece on his blog. Debunking these myths gives an important…
Clergy, laity pray for justice for Cassidy
Cuts to child care subsidies bigoted and illogical
Veterans Day:
Honor veterans by insisting on the support services they earned What can we citizens of this country do to show our appreciation to military veterans for the service they have done for us? I had the opportunity in September to…
Iran on the Illinois
Let’s get this straight: The Pekin City Council censured its mayor John McCabe for a phone call he made to a council member’s boss. Then McCabe apologized for his bad judgment. But Peoria mayor Jim Ardis has not apologized for…
Most compassionate position on abortion: It should be accessible, safe and rare
By Burt Raabe When I came to Bradley University in 1965, abortions were illegal and birth control pills were only about five years old. Like most freshmen, I was 18 years old with little, well virtually no, sexual experience. I…