Bad ink and quick news bites fuel fear and people end up labeling entire areas of a city as dangerous. An arbitrary boundary is created that people are afraid to cross. Because of that label, people see only streets of…
February 2015 neighborhood notes
* The Renaissance Park Community Association reports that its first public art project is complete. The colorful 12 x 78-foot mural painted on the side of the Muir Omni Graphics building on West Main Street also includes six large-scale artist-designed…
February 2015 labor roundup
‘Now or never’ in fight vs. TPP fast-track. Warning that it’s “now or never” in the fight against presidential authority to jam job-losing trade pacts such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) through Congress, Communications Workers of America President Larry Cohen…
Best test for cancer screening
Contraceptive counseling by zip code
Poverty and homelessness up, but not ‘criminalized’ here
As winter temperatures drop, homeless people may be more visible, either scrambling on the streets to find emergency shelter or seeking momentary refuge in public spaces like libraries. Homelessness and the poverty that can drive it continue. In a 2014…
Belafonte film highlights police harassment
Poor analysis by analyst
Digital sign: Allowed in historic, residential district?
Tao Insight in the DOW
The Tao Te Ching is a classic Chinese text from at least the fourth century BCE (Before the Common Era; means same as B.C. but does not refer to Christianity). I read from the Stephen Mitchell English version recently in…
Income Inequality at Root of Ferguson
The verdict rendered regarding officer Darren Wilson is not only a sickening moral decision on behalf of the people of Ferguson and its citizens, but a fraudulent disgrace of injustice on American people, the Brown family, African American parents and…
Methadone Programs
(“Counting on Methadone,” Community Word, December 2014) I’m very frustrated at the way most people look at methadone programs. I was an IV drug user back in the late ‘70s and ‘80s. I went to prison twice for writing checks…
‘Teachers must be defended’
I am writing to thank you for defending teachers in your recent Community Word column (Bill Knight, December 2014). It seems that more often than not, we teachers are under attack. Any time someone speaks up, and does so…
Affordable Care Act is working well
(Community Word, December 2014) Expanding Medicare and making it available to people younger than 65 is favored by most Americans, according to a recent New York Times/CBS poll. Expansion was favored by 59 percent of respondents. However, despite that positive…
TAXES: Caterpillar in the Spotlight
Peoria has tied its economic future to Caterpillar Inc. for over a century. The corporation made several Top 10 lists in recent months. Here are two of them: Corporations: Sure We Don’t Pay Our Taxes, But We Want Tax…
Relentless proximity
Despite an official letter of opposition from the Marshall County Board and widespread opposition from local residents, an Iowa firm has received tentative approval from the Illinois Department of Agriculture for Sandy Lane LLC Hog Farm, a massive, 20,000-head hog…