Feeding Non-Sparrows

Don Jurgs had been a prisoner of war in Germany during World War Two. More recently he was Santa Claus at Mall of America, but I knew him when he was a naturalist in Bettendorf, Iowa. He liked to say…

District 150 is at war with residents

It’s entertaining, momentarily, to watch a school district at war with citizens. Then you realize YOU are getting the dirty end of the stick along with everyone else. I mean, it’s one thing for District 150 School Board Rick Cloyd…

Letters to the editor

Machiavelli’d Be Proud of Them By Ed Klein Republican Ted Cruze and several of his accomplices say they’d like to eliminate minimum wage laws. Other Republican intellects complain that people are taking advantage of unemployment insurance because it pays more…

Tour de’ Peoria

Plans commenced months ago for this family visit. Dates included traditional vacation months or early September. Midwest summers have a well-deserved reputation for heat and humidity so we chose after Labor Day to enjoy milder weather. Little success was achieved…

West Peoria News for October 2013

The West Peoria Fire Department annual hog roast will be Sunday, October 26th at Crusen’s on Farmington Road. WPFD personnel will be out in the community selling tickets and will be wearing their uniforms when they do this. This is…

Tips for your Kindle

I got a Kindle for my birthday a few years ago and really love it. I can store several books on it and read or re-read whatever I like. I normally try to read a business book at the same…

Happenings for October

Oct 1 – 27 – Wildlife “Scary” Park – 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. at 3826 N. Taylor Rd., Hanna City. Call (309) 657-2681. Admission: $7/members; $8 non-members; age 1 & under FREE. “Nights of Fright” will be on Oct. 19…

October Programs & Happening at Peoria Park District

Youth Basketball Skills Camp – The Peoria Park District’s Youth Basketball Skills Camp for children ages 5 years through grade 4 runs on Tuesday & Thursday evenings, October 1-24, at Franciscan Rec Complex. Cost is $29/residents, $34/non-residents.Boys and girls will…

Proctor Hospital October Calendar

Proctor Hospital October Calendar alonetogether Grief Support Group – Mondays – 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. alonetogether is a grief support group, open to the community, that meets Mondays from 4:30-6:00 p.m. in Group Room 4 of the Counseling Center at…