Community Word Election Primer 2022
Meet the candidates running for Peoria County Board
We reached out to the candidates running for a seat on the Peoria County Board to give them the opportunity to let our readers learn something about them. District 2 CAMILLE COATES (D): “Born, raised and educated in central Illinois,…
SAFE SPACE: Jim and Laura Sniff provide special kind of fun on their farm
Op-Ed | Meritocracy: Smug up top with demoralizing bottom
Op-Ed | Ten years of reflection at Jon Buckley Memorial Garden
Op-Ed | Protect our Constitution, prosecute insurrectionists
Inland Arts | Raising Helvetica: Travis Janssen creating cyanotypes with one of the ‘finest’ fonts in the world
Referenda on the November ballot
At the top of all Illinois ballots is a Proposed Amendment to the 1970 Illinois Constitution “EXPLANATION OF (WORKER’S RIGHTS) AMENDMENT: The proposed amendment would add a new section to the Bill of Rights Article of the Illinois Constitution that…
Serendipity: Here we go again, this is not our first reorganizing rodeo
Heat Waves in Red and Black: Energy companies would rather energize investors than consumers
Ameren and MISO are playing politics with state regulations, slow walking Illinois into an electricity shortage Past columns revealed Exelon crippling the Illinois Renewable Portfolio Standard and thus contributing to Illinois’ electricity shortage. Additionally, Exelon supports its grid operator’s…