Author Archive for Community Word Staff

Labor Roundup

Workers occupy lobby of SuperAmerica Minn. HQ. Workers seeking better wages and working conditions demonstrated on Nov. 17 at a St. Paul, Minn., SuperAmerica store, then briefly occupied the lobby of the company’s headquarters in nearby Woodbury. The actions called…

Neighborhood Notes

Jackson Corners Neighborhood Association Mary Genzel of the Jackson Corners Neighborhood Association reports that Peoria Neighborhood Development Specialist Steve Fairbanks will be the guest at the group’s next meeting, at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 3. Phone 682-4689 for more information. The…

Elder Care Concerns

By Dave Weiman It can be a bewildering array of facts and figures that an elder and their family face attempting to select a care provider. The following information may help in understanding the basic services provided by skilled nursing…

New Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines Answers to 10 Questions? In October, the American Cancer Society recommended women get fewer mammograms to screen for breast cancer. Many people were alarmed. Isn’t testing more often better? There are no simple answers, as…

The Myths of Immigration

Robert Reich, Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton and professor at University of California, Berkeley, has tackled “The 4 Big Lies about Immigrants – and the Truth” in a recent piece on his blog. Debunking these myths gives an important…


Steve Shearer is well-known by folks who follow politics. He’s been a part of Aaron Schock’s political life almost from day one. At one time he was Schock’s chief of staff. Like Schock, Shearer has been questioned by the F.B.I.…

Veterans Day:

Honor veterans by insisting on the support services they earned What can we citizens of this country do to show our appreciation to military veterans for the service they have done for us? I had the opportunity in September to…

Iran on the Illinois

Let’s get this straight: The Pekin City Council censured its mayor John McCabe for a phone call he made to a council member’s boss. Then McCabe apologized for his bad judgment. But Peoria mayor Jim Ardis has not apologized for…