Returning Saturday May 15 is the West Peoria Residents Association annual communitywide yard sale. West Peoria residents interested in having their address shared in the Community Yard Sale need to contact coordinator Maggie at or 673-0535. Information will be…
Serendipity | Parents Still Missed
by Sandra Dempsey Post • • 0 Comments
Perhaps it’s continuing effects from isolation caused by COVID or maybe turning another year older. Whatever the cause, I’m missing my parents very much. The sadness is deep even though my Dad passed away in 1992 and my Mom in…
Bill Knight | Voting rights
by Bill Knight • • 0 Comments
Most people seem relieved that April’s consolidated local election is going smoothly, and that November’s election is over (one that longtime Republican Christopher Krebs, U.S. Cybersecurity chief, said was “the most secure in American history”). Despite that – some say…
Straight Talk | Never was, never will
by Roger Monroe • • 0 Comments
Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh has died at the young age of 70. As someone who has spent a large part of his life in radio, I can tell you there was never anyone who was as popular as…
The Watch | Council helps fund new fire station
by Terry Bibo • • 0 Comments
Local governments grapple with Pandemic Year Two . . . alongside their regular business. Peoria City Council started the Jan. 26 meeting wearing their Peoria Township hats by approving township expenses for January and February. A public hearing on the…
Real Talk | Miseducation about the vaccination –– why people of color mistrust medicine
by Kamara Taylor • • 1 Comment
As I write this article, I have spent the last year as most of us have –– isolated, socially distanced and careful often times in fear or thinking about the unknown such as where did this virus come dfrom? Why…
Inland Art | Carmon Colangelo
by Paul Krainak • • 0 Comments

Carmon Colangelo intervenes on the modern. Gestural abstraction, informal geometries, diaristic ephemera, surrealist afterimages, and architectonic montage all inform his practice. He fills work with happenstance, surfing through printmaking, drawing, painting and digital media to reconsider a principal birthright of…
Art & Justice | Natalie Jackson
by Clare Howard • • 0 Comments
Arts Beat | April 2021
by Clare Howard • • 0 Comments
Reflections from an Existential Lens | Religion, Secularism, and the Meaning of Life, Part III
by Community Word Staff • • 0 Comments
In David Hume’s “Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion,” three characters debate God’s existence. The character Demea represents rational theology and deductive argument—at least until the end, when he suddenly declares that “each man feels, in a manner, the truth of religion…