
Criminal justice reform

ankle monitor

Michelle Alexander has called some uses of electronic ankle monitors the newest Jim Crow and “e-carceration.” The cost of some monitors can be $300 a month, and people ordered to wear a monitor can easily fall into arrears and face…

Toxins in our neighborhood


Five years ago, a fire at a fertilizer plant in West, Texas, resulted in an explosion that created a 93-foot crater; destroyed more than 150 buildings, including an apartment building and school; killed 15 people; and injured 160 others. In…

Cleve’s triumph

Cleve painting

After 47 years in prison for a murder conviction that was vacated, Cleve Heidelberg lived just 306 days as a free man in Peoria before he died of heart failure, but his ultimate triumph remains his challenge to society to…

Paul Robeson defied racism in Peoria


Sixty-seven years ago this month, the NAACP’s Crisis Magazine published a harsh denunciation of world-renowned African-American entertainer and activist Paul Robeson, and a new book rekindles memories of Robeson’s travails – including the 1947 Peoria incident that some say was…

“Peoria War” changed history

Two hundred six years ago this month, a nearly forgotten series of small skirmishes that became known as the “Peoria War” made up a big part of the elimination of Native Americans in Illinois. According to local historical societies and…