ARE YOU MY TYPE? PROCTOR CENTER BLOOD DRIVE Peoria Park District’s Proctor Recreation Center and the JEMS Girls Basketball Team will host a Red Cross Blood Drive on Saturday, February 22 from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm at Proctor Center,…
‘Eating wild’ is good for you
by Clare Howard • • 0 Comments
Despite centuries of cultivation and hybridization, commercially-grown produce lacks the nutritional punch of wild, edible plants growing in your backyard, according to best-selling author Jo Robinson who spoke last month in Springfield at the Acres U.S.A. conference. But it’s possible…
Lawmakers Bring Pension Standoff to an End
by Sara Browning • • 0 Comments
Following years of gridlock in the state capitol, lawmakers passed a pension reform bill that has union leaders and some Democrats questioning its constitutionality. A narrow Senate vote of 32-24 and House vote of 62-53 brought an end to one…
West Peoria News for January 2014
by Sharon McBride • • 0 Comments
Remember that landscape waste pickup has ended for the season and will return in April. All streets within West Peoria are designated as emergency snow routes. It is unlawful to park any vehicles on city streets anytime within 12 hours…
Peoria Has Major Mental Health Needs: Analysis
by Bill Knight • • 0 Comments
When Virginia State Sen. Creigh Deeds was injured by his 24-year-old son Gus on Nov. 19, the attack was preceded hours before by a mental-health evaluation of the younger Deeds, who was recommended for emergency custody, an order that could…
Physicians’ Debut Nutrition Program – Asserts Reform Starts in the Kitchen, Not in Washington
by Clare Howard • • 0 Comments
When Dr. Jeffrey Leman and his family moved to India, they cooked chicken the first night in their new home. That prompted a visit from the landlord who informed the young couple that meat could not be brought onto the…
Mental illiness: The big picture
by Bill Knight • • 0 Comments
* 20% of American adults have some form of mental illness – 45.9 million people. * 20% of that number – 9.2 million people – have some form of substance dependence or abuse.* 20% of American adults have some form…
The impact in Peoria County
by Bill Knight • • 0 Comments
* Suicides are trending upward, with annual rates above the national rate in four of the last 10 years. * Drug-related deaths overtook alcohol-related deaths over the last decade. Drug-induced deaths went from 48.3% to 63.9% while alcohol-induced deaths fell…
Local, State Politicians Step Up in Storm’s Aftermath
by Sara Browning • • 0 Comments
After cars were toppled and buildings destroyed in the wake of a massive storm system affecting Illinois and several Midwest states, Governor Pat Quinn and others reached out to help residents of Central Illinois pick up the pieces. The day…
Room in the Inn
by Sandra Dempsey Post • • 0 Comments
As Director of Sales at the Peoria Residence Inn Marriott, Bonnie Petrenko typically is selling overnight stays. But on the night of Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, complimentary overnight stays are available to people visiting loved ones in nursing homes and…