
Coming: Almost organic

This label may start appearing in grocery stores soon to indicate food was grown on farmland transitioning from chemical to organic. Clarkson Grain, located about two hours southeast of Peoria, is using this ECOCERT label until the U.S. Department of…

  RUMOR CONTROL There’s been a rumor circulating in local nursing circles that Methodist Medical Center, that is Unity Point, is mandating that all nurses have or seek to have a Bachelor of Science Nursing (BSN) degree. Not so says…

It’s past time for political prioritization. At a time when the state of Illinois has been unable or unwilling to meet its financial obligations to social-service providers because of the lack of a state budget for 10 months, the state…

Renaissance along the river

A few breweries and eateries may have gotten attention for recently opening within sight of the Illinois River, but a few joints have been persevering here for years. Compared to Peoria’s past – from the heydays of Harold’s Club on…