
ON THE AIR AGAIN! It’s exciting, and the timing is perfect since I love the sounds of Christmas. “Breakfast with Royce and Roger” is returning on Internet Radio as “Breakfast with Roger and Friends,” starting 6 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 1.…

If it’s a tag-team match between Hitler, Stalin and the Boogeyman on one side, and Santa, Jesus and Bernie Sanders on the other, I stand with the latter trio. “Ho! Ho! Huh?” you say? The connection is socialism. I don’t…

The Myths of Immigration

Robert Reich, Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton and professor at University of California, Berkeley, has tackled “The 4 Big Lies about Immigrants – and the Truth” in a recent piece on his blog. Debunking these myths gives an important…


Steve Shearer is well-known by folks who follow politics. He’s been a part of Aaron Schock’s political life almost from day one. At one time he was Schock’s chief of staff. Like Schock, Shearer has been questioned by the F.B.I.…