Business as usual as General Assembly returns

From the gay marriage debate to the state’s ongoing pension problem, Illinois lawmakers have their plates full as they return to Springfield. October 22 was the first day of fall session in Springfield, signaling the start of another legislative year…

I was hungry and you fed me

CUTLINE: Claire Crone stirs the soup being served that particular day at Sophia’s Kitchen. Patrons receiving food number in the hundreds. The kitchen is located at 103 S. Richard Pryor Place and provides nourishment and encouragement to those in need.…

Lance Armstrong movie connects with Peoria

They’re making a movie about Lance Armstrong. You know the amazing cyclist who won the grueling Tour de France a record seven times and then was disqualified for allegedly using chemicals, or doping as it’s called. The movie will star…

50 Years Ago This Month, Innocence Was Lost

The week before Thanksgiving in 1963, the Friday-morning weather had some fog and a little drizzle; afternoon temperatures reached the 60s. “It’s true,” I heard from a trembling freshman schoolmate in Latin class, seconds after laughing and saying how I’d…

Closed until further notice

There’s a date I won’t soon forget. Tuesday, October 1, 2013. On that day, first thing in the morning, my wife and I entered a restaurant / gift shop in Jacob Lake, Arizona (just a stone’s throw from the north…

White flight doesn’t work

Three weeks. Three home invasions in Peoria. Well, actually there have been three home invasions in North Peoria. I’m trying to not chortle, because it really isn’t funny. Whether you live on the South Side or the East Bluff, or…

Guest editorials for November 2013

Have They No Shame? By Ed Klein, Peoria, IL As we watched Ted Cruz in his outlandish demagoguery, we were certainly not alone in comparing him to the late Joe McCarthy. As with Cruz, his fellow congressmen foolishly let him…

Doors and Windows: Missing Julie

It rained all afternoon. It was Saturday, September 28, 2013, and I was dining with friends at Sazani’s in Peoria, a river-side Italian restaurant on Route 29. A few miles down that same road, another friend of mine, Julie Peters,…

West Peoria News for November 2013

Scout Troop 11 is selling fresh holiday wreaths again this year starting October 28th with a delivery date starting November 16th. Call Scoutmaster Bob DeSutter at 674-6668 with your order in that time frame. Cub Scout Pack 11 is selling…

Traveling Around the Internet

I have a really cool job that allows me to travel to national conventions and speak about social media. Who can complain about a free trip to Miami Beach in January? I love that part of my company and am…

Musings for November 2013

I have been thinking quite a lot about technology and I really have come to the conclusion that it brings as many problems as it does helpful issues. I read in the paper the following: “Four Russian nationals and a…

Happenings for November 2013

Nov 1 – Central IL Arts Organization First Friday – 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. Admission: Free. Get an intimate look at studios, galleries & arts organizations. Meet artists, musicians, neighbors & collectors. Tour includes 11 locations & spans a breadth…

Newsbriefs for November 2013

UnityPoint Health- Service League Gift Show November 2nd The UnityPoint Health-Methodist Service League will hold its 63rd annual Gift Show Sat., November 2nd in the lobby of the UnityPoint Health-Methodist Atrium, 900 Main Street, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Admission…

Aaron Schock Works for 18th Congressional District

Congressman Aaron Schock shuttles between Peoria and Washington DC on a nearly weekly basis. Whether he is traveling his 18th Congressional District of nearly 200 towns and 750,000 constituents or finding legislative solutions on Capitol Hill, he is actively working…

St. Ann Memory Garden

CAPTION: Seated are Rev. Terry Cassidy, pastor at St. Ann Catholic Church in Peoria and Elizabeth Carrigan Bigger, coordinator of the St. Ann Memory Garden. Changes in life are a challenging part of the human condition. Initially they can be…

Egg on their faces

When the news broke that Kent State had won its suit against Bradley for recruiting basketball coach Geno Ford, it looked like a black mark for the Hilltop. A trial was set for October 7 for determining the amount of…