Sheriff Asbell: Despite beliefs, no crime wave
BY BILL KNIGHT Many people worry about crime; they assume there’s cause. But much of that concern is an example of belief versus reality. That disconnect faces 44-year-old Brian Asbell as he starts his position as Peoria County’s new sheriff…
NOW president: Persist, Resist, Unite
BY CLARE HOWARD Some pharmacists in Florida have taken contraceptive prescriptions from women and ripped them up. Pharmacists in other states have refused to fill prescriptions for contraceptives and abortifacients. The National Organization for Women is pushing back and ramping…
Reproductive Choice: Ask Cara
BY CLARE HOWARD Julia Sun and Celina Crisman were roommates at Cornell University. Sun graduated with a degree in engineering. Crisman went on to medical school and is now a surgeon. The two friends, supporters of Planned Parenthood, watched sweeping…
Teachers’ President Weingarten links school privatizers to segregationists. American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten tied the so-called school privatization movement to the racists and segregationists of the 1950s and before. School privatization features taxpayer-paid vouchers for parents of private…
Unions drive economy
BY DAN SILVERTHORN Retired executive director West Central Illinois Building and Construction Trades Council Labor unions and the workers they represent helped secure the largest middle class in American history. It’s no coincidence that union membership is declining at the…