Tips for your Kindle

I got a Kindle for my birthday a few years ago and really love it. I can store several books on it and read or re-read whatever I like. I normally try to read a business book at the same time I’m reading a “fun” book. It’s a good compromise for me and it seems with every book, I learn something new.

I found the Kindle plugin for my website browser that will send articles to my Kindle for reading later when I have some time ( You simply install the plugin from the website, it puts a small “K” icon on the tool-bar. Just click that icon to send the page you are reading to the Kindle. It’s fantastic!

Trying to figure out everything is more difficult though. I came across some shortcuts to help us both find our way around our kindle.

Kindle shortcut key: Alt-Shift-R reboot Kindle

Kindle shortcut key: Alt-Shift-. restart GUI

Kindle shortcut key: Alt-Shift-G make screenshot

Kindle shortcut key: Shift-Sym start demo

Kindle shortcut key: Alt-Shift-M Minesweeper

Kindle shortcut key: Alt-Z rescan picture directories

Kindle shortcut key: Alt-T show time

Kindle shortcut key: Alt-B toggle bookmark

Kindle shortcut key: Alt-T spell out time

To adjust the font size, press the Text key. Select the font size you want and press the Text key again.

To turn on Text to Speech, position the cursor and then press Shift + Symbol. Adjust the speed and voice of the narrator, by pressing Text key.

Did you know there is a lender’s library where you can borrow books for free? Amazon’s Kindle has over 300,000 books to choose from. Select “Kindle Owner’s Lending Library” from the categories section of your kindle. Then browse to find a new book. Once you finish, you can trade for a new book but have to return the one you have. Of course, most public libraries allow you to check out Kindle books also. There is also an option to send your finished book to another Kindle owner. However, they only have 2 weeks to read your book.

Sometimes I still pick up a paperback book or trade with someone in my family. But the advantage of having my kindle is I can carry several books at one time. Now I just need to take the time to read!

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