West Peoria News for October 2013

The West Peoria Fire Department annual hog roast will be Sunday, October 26th at Crusen’s on Farmington Road. WPFD personnel will be out in the community selling tickets and will be wearing their uniforms when they do this. This is our opportunity to return the many sacrifices and caring these members give us. They devote many hours to keeping us safe and giving us a feeling of safety that is come to be expected of them. They are truly a very special part of living in West Peoria.

Boy Scout Troop 11 is selling fresh holiday wreaths again this year starting October 28th with a delivery date starting November 16th. Call Scoutmaster Bob DeSutter at 674-6668 with your order in that time frame. Cub Scout Pack 11 is selling popcorn. You may order yours by calling Bob DeSutter at 674-6668.

The third annual Calvin Coolidge Mothers Club reunion was held Monday, August 26th at Sky Harbor. Two special guests, Sharon Worman visited from California and Jorja Stephens, a former teacher attended. Plans for the 2014 reunion are already in place: Monday, August 24 at Sky Harbor. For more information, contact: Mary Hamm, 697-4118, Guydeen Roos, 248-1258, Diane Craps, 633-0669, Alice Nash, 674-4308 or amnash2415@att.net.

Do you enjoy BINGO? Want to start your weekend with it? Beginning Friday, October 4th, Courtyard Estates, 117 N. Western, is hosting bingo and a light breakfast from 9:30 – 11:00 on the first Friday of every month for people 65 and better. For more details, call (309) 674-2400. They invite their West Peoria neighbors to many of their events. Go and enjoy and possibly, you will be calling b-i-n-g-o when you win.

Heddington Oaks residents moved into the facility on September 25th, an absolutely beautiful fall day. It was a very nice experience to drive past and see the parking lots full and know that our community has another asset. The facility will be served by CityLink on their regular route with a special deviation that serves it during the later evening. The #11 Western bus route ends at 6:00 P.M. Then the #5 Main bus will deviate from Main and Western, go to the facility, and return to its regular route with service ending at midnight at the Transit Center. A shelter has been placed at the main entrance. You can check the service by going to ridecitylink.org or getting a riders guide at either city hall, the township building or Heddington Oaks.

FALL IS HERE: Please do not rake or blow leaves or grass clippings into the street as it causes the storm sewers to back up. Landscape Waste Pick Up is available until the last Friday in December.

All residents are required to sign up for garbage service with Waste Management – 1-800-796-9696. You will be charged for this service. Landscape Waste Pick Up is included is included with your service.

Residents are responsible for keeping their section of the alleyway free of weeds, debris, etc.

No Open Burning of trash or landscape waste is permitted. Small recreational fires are permitted in an approved burn pit. To report a violation of this policy, please call: Peoria County Sheriff at; 672-6011.

For more information visit the City website: www.cityofwestpeoria.com.

Inoperable Vehicles – All vehicles without an up-to-date license sticker are considered inoperable and are in violation of City Code. Any vehicle without said sticker must be stored in a garage.

Garage Sales are permitted once each quarter for no more than three days.

Permits are required for new or replacement fences, new or replacement sidewalks or driveways or patios, new or replacement decks & porches, sheds, garages, additions, structure demolition, swimming pools & home occupation. Most permits are $15.00 to $25.00. Please call City Hall to determine if a permit is needed.

During the September meeting of the West Peoria Residents Association, Mamie Smith of 2126 W Laura Ave., was presented with the association’s beautification award. In addition to displaying the Award sign in her lawn, she received gift certificates from both Best Buds and Geiers Florist. Mamie’s yard was an easy choice because of her well-maintained lawn that she has further improved with fountains, fencing, statuary and a wide selection of plantings. It is said that it was a very easy choice for the beautification committee. Congratulations to Mamie Smith and for you that know her and her neighbors enjoy her hard work and design capabilities.

The West Peoria Neighborhood Watch will meet Wednesday, October 9th in City Hall at 6:30 p.m. Lt. Jason Buckley will speak about his experiences in the canine division. The regular West Peoria Residents Association meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 17th at 6:30 p.m.

The Residents Association hosted a very successful Night Out Against Crime in September. States Attorney Jerry Brady spoke; it was an honor to have him at our event. A variety of other safety and law enforcement activities were available for those attending. Once again, they have proven that Living is Best to the West of Peoria.

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